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This was my very first group paper in a class. A bit of  strange theme, but it started me on my journey to better group communication.

Grade: 49/50

When taking this course I was experienced enough with speech to have fun with it. This particular paper below is a presentation my group did over the Disney classic "Mulan", and its underlying themes.

Paper Grade: 50/50

Presentation Grade: 48/50

I got my first experience with Debate while in college, in Fall of 2017. It is very tough and rewarding, and I could see myself doing it again. Linked is a copy of the affirmative case my partners and I put together to try to improve mental health in the nation's public schools.

Grade: 29/30

Small Group Communication was by far one of the toughest classes for me. Thankfully, I got put into a very good group of active people who all wanted to do as well as they could. Our Observation project was over the Student Association of Photographers, (SAPs), and our Final Project was regarding the Pitt State Tailgating Policy. In our final presentation we also prepared a skit, which awarded us extra points while also working as a good attention getter.

Obs. Paper: 25.5/30   Final Paper: 45/50

Obs. Pres.: 47/50        Final Pres: 46.5/50

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