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Communication Theories are important because they apply to our everyday lives, as we are senders and receivers in every communicative encounter. This paper details an aesthetic moment in my life, and, while short, gave me great pleasure to write. 

Grade: 40/40

I spent a semester as a Comm Ed emphasis, because I panicked about my future as an actress and had the mentality of "those who can't, teach". I wanted to give up and instead usher younger minds into theatre.

I went to Fort Scott High School and observed a class, and I learned a lot. Teaching is a 24 hour job. Teachers are hardworking, and passionate, and completely dedicated to the kids. I grew an intense admiration for teachers and ultimately decided that it was not what I wanted. This caused me to get really harsh with myself, thinking I had wasted a semester. My advisor at the time, Gil Cooper, reassured me by insisting that it was not a waste, but a lesson. Now I understand that. This is my final paper for my education class, and a somewhat formal resignation from the Education department.

Grade: 25/25

I could have done better on this paper. But it was a lengthy research project, and a huge relief to finish. 

Grade: 127.5/150

Theatre history; the backbone to my emphasis and a necessity in order to go on to appreciate the finer aspects of live performance. This was one of my first classes at Pittsburg State University. If I were to take it again now with my knowledge and experience, I believe I would have done better with these papers. Megan Westhoff's included comments helped me become a better scholarly writer.

Rubric sheets included.

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