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This show was another opportunity for me to step into the technical side of theatre, and I was able to have my first experience being in the booth. I was the soundboard operator, and though I did not have to pick the sound myself, (the director was very particular about what he wanted since this show had a huge amount of sound) I got to be in charge of what sound to play when, and at what volume. This was a lot trickier than it seems. Some sound effects needed to be louder, or softer, or to fade, or to stop suddenly. . .I was stressed out and always at the edge of my seat, because I knew that if I missed a cue, it would set a lot of things off course. Having the new point of view of being in the booth was also neat because I got to see firsthand what we had created. I do not ever get the chance to actually see shows since I am more often in them or backstage.

I also helped the Properties Master, Amanda Longpine, in creating the papier-mâché goat.

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Directed by: Linden Little

Photo Credits: Kiane David

Poster/Program Artist: April Huninghake

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